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Everything you need to know about video brochures

17 February 2020

This video was shot 7 years ago when Curveball first started producing and selling video brochures. There have been advances in the quality of the components and screens since 2013, but otherwise little has changed at the product level and this remains a great starting point for the uninitiated.

The biggest product advancement since this video was shot has been the introduction of the HD IPS (in-plane switching) screens which are available in 5.0-inch, 7,0-inch, and now 10.0-inch. IPS is the all-angle-viewing screen, which means the screen can be viewed from all aspects, ideal for group situations or for video boxes where the product is situated on a tabletop and not held in the hand.

The HD IPS screens have become the most popular choice for client projects and account for around 90% of all orders, however, they have disadvantages compared to the older SD (standard definition) screens – they require a lot more power and therefore the batteries do not last as long. The other disadvantage is they cost more. The 4.3″ SD screen remains a fantastic quality screen at a great price with exceptional battery life. We find that a lot of the larger production runs use the 4.3″ screen for this very reason.

From a market perspective, video brochure sales have increased year on year until the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. Globally, the market was worth at its peak around $125,000,000 with Curveball’s market share around 8%. This is expected to drop dramatically during 2020 due the consequences of the virus on the economies of the world.

With an eye to the future, it is hard to say if there will be any further developments in the video brochure market. Diversification into more innovative point of sale displays is a possibility, however,  the likelihood is that a lot of manufacturers will look to develop consumer products (not promotional items) to offset the slide in sales from Covid-19, and many in the reseller community will disappear.

Prices are expected to rise.

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